Saturday, July 14, 2007

And the side effects begin

I spoke too soon. Here I was thinking I was going to get off scott-free with no side effects and lo-and-behold I get a terrific migraine this afternoon. I'm not surprised, since Femara blocks the creation of estrogen and since I get low-estrogen migraines, here I am. Today was my last day taking the meds, so hopefully the headaches will be gone tomorrow or Monday. Just not the best timing, you know? It's so hard to function with headaches this bad and I can't take my rescue meds because I'm afraid to mix them with the Femara. Just have to keep taking Tylenol to dull the pain and get through it. To top it off, I pulled my back out something fierce tonight while picking up E. As soon as I did it, I knew it was going to be a bad one. I'm just hoping I can get some homework done tonight so that I can get this paper done and over with. I just feel like once this damn thing is finished the rest of my projects will fall in line and I can be done with it.

I took my comp exam today and am 99% sure that I passed it. It's sort of hard to fail an essay test and since this comp is pass/fail, there's no way I could have failed it. If I did, then I probable don't deserve to get my Masters degree. 10 days left... 10 days left. Remind me again what life will be like once I'm finished with this hell?

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