Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I think if anyone asks me what R got me for our sixth wedding anniversary I’m going to have to say “a sperm specimen”. It just sounds so romantic.

As if that 'gift' wasn't enough for me, my body has decided to give me it's own little surprise. I started bleeding this morning and it's getting heavier as the day goes on. At first it was just a little spotting but by this afternoon it was heavy enough to warrant me using a pantyliner. I have no idea what is happening here. I've never, ever had mid-cycle spotting. Not before I had E, not while doing the four other IUI cycles, never. So it bothers me a little. I'm also having some cramping but that's not really abnormal. I called the RE's office a little while ago and they said that they would run it by the doctor. The nurse did mention that it could be implantation, but it seems really early to have that happening right now. Then again, anything is possible. If we figure out the days, I guess it's possible... look at it this way: they had me come in on Saturday morning after seeing my Friday LH blood test results. Because of this results, I skipped the trigger and had the IUI on Saturday. So, it's possible I ovulated on Friday and that would put me at 4DPO. I always thought that was a little early for implantation, but anything is possible.

And, even as all this stuff happens life is moving on around me. E has taken two big steps back in the potty-training efforts. He's not even caring that he's wet or dirty, not telling us he needs to go to the bathroom and fibbing about whether or not he already went. It's infuriating and frustrating, to say the least. Last night he and I had a big talk and I told him his one job from now on is to stay dry. He 'promised' me he would and even as he was saying it, he was wet. Sigh. So, I'll admit, I was so ticked that I sent him to bed after dinner. At 6:30pm. I was just cranky and not up to dealing with it, so rather than do or say something I would regret, I sent him to bed. I don't know what to do for him anymore. I swear, he's going to be the only ten year old in diapers.

1 comment:

Jeannie said...

Oh, what a sweet gift Rick gave you! heh-heh!

Yeah, I'm thinking that spotting could be implantation spotting. And I think the fact that the RE's nurse suggested it makes me think they've seen it this "early" before too. I think that's a very interesting symptom!

Maddie did the same thing E's doing about potty training. We still have a few times where she has an accident because she claims she doesn't really have to go. It's so frustrating! Have you tried the "if you stay try for xx days, then you'll earn a prize that we'll pick out together" routine? That helped a bit with Maddie. She still tells people about her "poopy prize" (her Horsey). We went to the store prior to starting the routine, picked a prize out (but did NOT buy it yet), then told her that she needed to be consistent for a full week (I think that's right). It took some time, but it worked.

It's hard when they start fibbing at this age! This seems so young to be making up lies! (Like my poopy head story about Maddie.)

I hope you are feeling better, and I'm praying hard that R's gift to you is really something special! :)