Sunday, November 11, 2007

Fertilization Report, Day 3

Got my daily call from the IVF lab this morning and the news is great: all 12 have gone onto the 6 - 8 cell stage and are doing just what they should be doing. So now we've been cleared for a day 5 transfer. I asked the embryologist if she thought we would need to go to day 6 and she said that she's pretty sure that all 12 will get to the blast stage but she's not sure if we'll need a day 5 or day 6 transfer. If they are slow getting to blast stage, they'll wait until day 6.

I'm feeling better since all 12 got to Day 3, but still a little nervous about the next two days. Day 4 seems to be the biggest hurdle and the IVF lab doesn't call on Day 4. There's just nothing for them to report because of the way they develop, but it's going to freak me out knowing that I have to wait until Day 5 to see how my little ones are doing. I'm praying and praying that at least 10 get to Day 5 blast stage. I'd love to be able to transfer two and freeze the other 8, just in case we need to do this all over again.

I'm sure you don't need me to explain how much this is on my mind, but you would not believe the crazy dreams I had last night. I kept dreaming that the lab called and told me that only three made it to day 3. In my dream, I said to myself "this has to be a dream, this can't be happening. I have to wake up." And then I would wake up, in my dream, and it would happen all over again. When I finally DID really wake up, I was a nervous wreck. I was SO glad that the lab calls at 7:00am... it would have been torture to have to wait until the afternoon for another report!

So, for now, I'll keep praying for my little babies-to-be and willing them to grow stronger and stronger. Grow, babies, grow...


Jeannie said...

You, R, and your babies-to-be are in my prayers! How wonderful they are doing! I'll be praying that all 12 are doing just as great on day 5.

I know this has got to be on your mind 24-7. How could it NOT?! But how freaking exciting is this?!

So will the transfer happen on Tuesday now? (Or even Wednesday if they wait until day 6?) Are you off tomorrow too?

I hope and pray that you get awesome news on day 5. (Yeah, that would drive me crazy too knowing that you aren't going to get any news tomorrow on day 4!)

You sound so great, btw! I'm so excited for you!! :)

hms said...

No, I'm not off tomorrow to, but I'll just call in sick and leave it at that. I originally thought I would have a Day 3 transfer on Sunday and so Monday's holiday worked out perfectly. My embryos had other plans thought.