Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Giving vs. Receiving

Hard to believe that I start my stim injections next week. Which means my next retrieval is only a few weeks away. With the Christmas holiday being smack-dab in the middle of this IVF cycle, time just seems to be flying by. My period started this afternoon, right on time. It's good to know that my body is going through the same process as before and not causing any problems. Hopefully that's a good sign.

Not much new to report. Still sticking myself every morning and getting adjusted three times a week. Yoga was good this week, but my back is a little sore. The instructor had us do more back and arm positions this week, so I’m not surprised. I’m just glad it isn’t supposed to snow much in the next few days. I’d like just a little time to heal!

E seems to be feeling better, but then again it was 48 hours between the two ‘bad’ days, so I’m giving it one more day before I think we’re out of the woods. He was in a bit of a mood last night, but I’m thinking it was because he was tired and hungry after school. He only wanted pancakes for dinner and since it was just the two of us, I said it was fine. I had a bowl of cereal so who am I to tell him no to a few pancakes? After he took a bath and was tucked into bed I spent the night wrapping R’s Christmas gifts. I’d like to pick up one or two more small things, but I can’t figure out what the heck to get. I’ll have to tool around Target and see what I can find. He always goes so overboard on my gifts that I feel obligated to play catch-up with his. It sucks. For me, the gifts are always the worst part of the Holidays.

On the other hand, I got my gift in the mail from my best friend last night. Isn’t it amazing when you can feel such joy from a simple gift? She sent me some heavenly sock yarn and some amazing wool hand-dyed yarn, a new pattern book and two different needles. Joy, joy, JOY! I was just thinking a few days ago about how I need to find some good felting yarn so that I can knit a yoga bag for myself. The wool yarn will be perfect for the felting. And that is why she’s my best friend. Without even realizing it, she was reading my mind. Those are the gifts that really matter to me. Really.

1 comment:

Jeannie said...

It's kind of nice that the holidays are in the midst of all this -- makes it seem soooooo fast! (At least to me!)

What a wonderful best friend you have!! How thoughtful of her! It's nice when you have someone that close, who knows your needs (sometimes before you do!).