Monday, December 3, 2007

Keepin' on...

It seems like my cold is finally coming to an end. Plus, my migraine is finally gone after a full five days of lingering around. I had my first appointment with the chiropractor today and to use his own words, “You’re lucky you came in when you did!” Apparently I’m all sorts of messed up. My right leg is ½ inch longer than my left, the right side of my hip is almost immobile and I have some problems with three different vertebra. Basically, I’m just a mess. He had me go for X-rays this morning and I’m supposed to go back tomorrow for a follow-up and to review the film with him. I always love looking at my own bones. I wonder what other funny things he’ll find. I’m really excited about the possibility that I might actually start to feel better. I’m even more excited to see how (and if) this will affect my body in other ways. I mentioned to the Dr. that I am undergoing infertility treatments (he asked what medications I was on and was a little shocked when I laughed and rattled them off in seconds), and he mentioned that there is some evidence that chiropractic care has helped with infertility treatments in the past. I’m not looking for it to be the solution to all our problems, but I honestly feel like getting all these pieces in a row can’t hurt. Sort of like polishing the temple before you say your prayers, right?

Otherwise, life is just marching on. I’m feeling a little sluggish today, but I’m sure it’s because of the cold weather we’re having. It’s a whopping 30 degrees here today and rainy. E is doing magnificently on his potty-training. He’s now been in ‘big-boy-undies’ for 11 days without a single accident. Granted, he’s still wet about 50% of the time after a nap and he’s wet every morning, but first things first. It’s just such a welcome change that I can’t fault him too much for being a little slower with the rest of it.

Work is still crazy beyond belief. I can’t remember if I posted this before, but I decided that I’m taking the time between my next retrieval and transfer off entirely, plus one extra day after the transfer. I have some vacation time built up and I figured now was as good as any time to start using it up. Now if the IVF coordinator would just call me we could get this show on the road.

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