Thursday, December 6, 2007

New cycle dates are in!

I finally broke down and called the IVF coordinator yesterday to get my dates for this coming cycle. I knew that she was on vacation for a few days last week, but it was just getting too close for comfort and so I called her. Good thing I did… the dates are coming up soon! Here’s how cycle number two is going to play out:

Start Lupron injections (10 units in the morning) on Wednesday, December 12.
Take my last birth control pill on Sunday, December 16. Period should arrive a few days later.
Go in for baseline ultrasound and bloodwork on Wednesday, December 26. Wait for go ahead to start Follistim injections, somewhere between December 27 and December 28.
Tentative egg retrieval on Tuesday, January 8, 2008.
Transfer two embryos on day three, tentatively on Friday, January 11, 2008.

And there you have it. My life for the next four weeks. Of course, the dates are still tentative, but considering how I responded last time around, I’m sure it’ll only be about one day off. I already put in for vacation time from January 8 through January 11, so I’ll be nice and relaxed this time around. At least that’s the plan. Gosh, I’m wondering if it’s such a good idea to actually take all that time off. I mean, I know I need the retrieval date to recuperate, but staying home between the retrieval and the transfer is going to be torture… Well, at least it isn’t a five-day transfer this time around. If I had to do that again it would probably kill me.

My headache is finally gone. Thank GOD! I decided to just muscle through it yesterday and I pretended my head didn’t hurt. By the time I got home, it was still tender and sore, but R was working and I had to just get through the night with E, so I took it easy. I made PB&J sandwiches for dinner and did some housework while E played. I got another load of laundry done and was able to vacuum the entire upstairs. I’m wondering if keeping busy helped the headache subside. Either way, it really was mind over matter. Luckily, this morning it is all gone. Maybe I can actually do some yoga tonight…


Unknown said...

Hi Heather! It's amazing that even tho you're skipping IVF the month of December, you will already start meds. I guess that helps your mind to keep moving forward.

It's funny you mentioned starting chiropractic. I started getting adjustments for the first time back in July, mainly for my neck. I mentioned to the chiropractor that I would be starting Clomid to help conceive and he quoted a small study of 12 or so women who were TTC while getting adjustments. By the end of the study, all of them were pg. Not sure if that's the same one you mentioned and I hate to put too much stock in it, but there's always a little hope, right?

hms said...

I've read a few different studies, but they were all small like the one you mention. Honestly, I don't have complete faith in them, but it's nice to know that it COULD work!

And I agree that it's funny to think that I'm technically taking December off, but will still be on meds. It's sort of the way IVF works... every cycle is a minimum of six weeks long, sometimes as long as eight weeks. Our second retrieval will be exactly two months after our first, which is pretty much the norm. So, even though the lab is closed, we wouldn't have been able to move much faster than this, maybe a week or two, but not much more. It's like TTC in slow motion.