The numbers are in for today: 217! The doubling time was 2.21 days, which is less than the actual 3 days in-between tests, so we're still on track! So, I finally get a full week off of beta-tests and I have another one on Monday, February 2. After that, as long as the numbers are going up, I'll have my first ultrasound on, get this one: Valentine's Day. Oh dear God. This could change my view of Valentine's Day forever.
I also asked the nurse, just in case, about the antibiotics and she said that there should be no problems with me taking them. At least that's one more thing off my mind.
Grow, baby, GROW!!!
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FANTASTIC!!!!! Oh, H, I'm so happy for you! And man, you were right on with your guess for the numbers. So how many weeks will you be on Feb. 14?
What a wonderful little miracle! How awesome! I'll keep you and the babies in my prayers that they just keep growing and growing and growing! SBVs for you!
Yea Yea Yea!!! I am so happy to hear your beta has gone up. And pretty nicely I might add. Gosh, I hope you start feeling better soon. (I have to say e-mycin isn't the best abx for a sinus infection, so if it doesn't start getting better soon, you may want to see if it can be changed). But I digress... I am just over the moon for you Heather. YOU ARE PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Many more prayers for a sticky baby(ies).
Um, and btw: What's your due date?!
And I agree with April on maybe asking for another antibiotic if you aren't feeling much better. I had the Z-pack when I had a sinus infection early on while prego with Alex. (And my best friend who is 10 weeks prego right now, just finished a dose of Z-pack for a sinus infection also.)
Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you!!
I'm starting to think that you guys are right about the antibiotic not being the right one. My face is still in pain, four days later and I'm not feeling that great. I'm going to call my regular doctor this morning to see if I can get in to see her and get either a new script or a new diagnosis.
And thank you, thank you, thank you for all the congratulations! I'm still in complete shock. After 23 months of trying, it's amazing to me to be able to say I'm actually pregnant again!
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