Monday, January 7, 2008

My pin cushion days are over for now (well, almost...)

I have to admit, I’m glad that my injections are over for the time being. The hCG shot last night was really difficult to do. I don’t know why, but the needle went in fine, but when I went to push the plunger down it was really, really hard to push. And then this morning the whole area is pink and a little swollen. Not fun. I don’t remember this shot hurting this much the last four times I’ve taken it, so I’m glad to be done with the injection phase. Well, almost done. I still have to have my IV done tomorrow. It’s always something, right?

I’m trying to concentrate on the good news we’ll have in the next few weeks, but these last few days are always so harrowing. I’m still a little worried about our fertilization rates, especially since we’re not using ICSI this time around. I’m worried about how the lab is going to find the strongest three little ones to put back, especially since we’re going to do a day-three transfer this time and gauging eight-cell growth isn’t the best indicator of embryo survival. Still, I’m finding it easier to relax this time. I’m happy that I feel like I’ve done everything ‘right’ this time: I made an honest attempt at getting myself healthier and there really isn’t anything else I could have done to improve my chances. I have to just keep faith in that. Things will work out in the end.


Jeannie said...

I hope everything goes great tomorrow!

I can understand your concern about the fertilization rates, but I think the three little ones that are *supposed* to be chosen for this *will* be chosen, ya know?

I'm glad you're feeling a bit more relaxed this time. I think feeling like that helps a lot.

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow!! :)

Unknown said...

Wow, it's time again! I hope this cycle does the trick Heather. I would go with your gut on the transfer date as well as how many to transfer. Someone's trying to tell you something! And even if you get pg with triplets, it's not the end of the world! I know a mom in my Moms of Multiples group who had triplets and she did just fine. It's not an easy pregnancy, but neither is twins.

Whatever is supposed to happen, will. Just go with that.

Jeannie said...

I hope you are relaxing and kicking your feet up a bit today. I hope everything went really well! :)