Friday, January 25, 2008

Resume the holding pattern.

The nurse just called to give me the news: the beta went up to 85. As of right now, the doubling time is 37.5 hours, which is less than the 48 hour mark, so that's good, but the RE is still not happy seeing the number so low. He wants me to re-test on Monday to check the levels again. I asked the nurse why the heck I still got a negative this morning with a HPT when the levels were above what the test says it picks up and she said "I don't know why. But I can tell you that I have two kids at home that are the results of negative HPTs, so I don't put much stock into those tests."

What a rollercoaster this has been. So, we're back in the holding pattern. And I am swearing off HPTs forever. Well, until we TTC #3 that is...

I went to the chiropractor today to get adjusted and I haven't told him what's been going on yet. He knows about the infertility treatments and the transfer, but I haven't told him about the betas yet. He adjusted me and told me to get to bed early tonight to try to boost my immune system. I'm wondering if my body is having a hard time boosting up the hCG because of my cold and on-coming sinus infection. I wouldn't be surprised if my body is just completely freaking out right now and trying to make a baby is the last thing it wants to do right now. So, I will be going to bed at 8:00pm with a cup of warm tea and a heating pad for my face.

Keep up those 'doubling' prayers... I'm going to need them for Monday.


Jeannie said...

AWESOME news!!! That's just so wonderful, H!!! Woohoo!!!!!!!

Remember, your body is working overtime making a baby, so REST and take it easy on yourself! Be good and do be in bed by 8!

Woohoo!! So excited for you! And praying hard that the numbers are great on Monday as well!

Unknown said...

Well doubling of any sort is always good. I know of many "slow growers" that just took off after a certain time. I wouldn't put too much stock into the color of the HPT lines either. I tortured myself doing that many times. I thought the lines 'should have been' darker than they were, but you can't really go off of that. I will definitely step up the prayers for you Heather. Take care of yourself.