Wednesday, January 16, 2008

5 days post 3-day transfer... and life marches on.

As if I haven’t had enough strange stuff to deal with this time around, I’ve spent the last two days trying to make E a little more comfortable. His school called me on Monday afternoon to say that he ‘just wasn’t himself today’. I picked him up and took him to the doctor’s office and as I predicted, they thought he might have pneumonia. His cough is so terrible and the fever just won’t go away or stay down. So, we spent the next five hours trying to get an x-ray to rule out pneumonia. It was the first time he’s had an x-ray and he did great. The funniest part of it was when the technician asked me “Is there any chance you could be pregnant?” I answered yes, there’s a chance. He said “You’re pregnant?” and I said I wasn’t sure yet. The look on his face was pretty priceless. Still, I had to leave the room while the x-rays were taken and luckily, E didn’t mind too much. He did, however, ask me about a million times why I kept leaving the room.

And so now, on top of trying to keep myself as ‘rested’ as possible, I’m coming down with E’s lovely cold. It’s just the last thing I need right now, but considering how often he’s coughed, sneezed and blown his nose on or at me, it’s not surprising. I just can’t take anymore time off this week. I really can’t. This is the crappy part of having a job that you actually like… you’re afraid to lose it.

The ear pain has subsided, which is what usually happens during my cycle. However, it’s been replaced by this annoying sharp stabbing pain in my left side. Just another thing I’m trying to ignore. I’m getting good at ignorance. I did some backtracking and at exactly this time last cycle (8 days post retrieval) I had the worst dread-filled feeling that it hadn't worked, which turned out to be right. I will admit, as much as I'm scared about this cycle, I haven't gotten that feeling yet. Cramping and stabbing pains, yes. But that 'No way it worked' feeling? Not yet. Oh god. Hope is the most wicked tease.

1 comment:

Jeannie said...

Poor E! Poor little guy! I hope he's feeling better, and I hope you aren't feeling too bad.

I'm sending tons of positive thoughts and prayers for you and your two little ones!! I hope the days between now and beta day fly by for you!