Monday, January 21, 2008

And the results are...

Inconclusive. Come on. Are you really surprised? I woke up at 7:00am and took a test and at first I thought it was definitely negative. But then the faintest second line appeared and now I'm just plain pissed off. I am 99% certain that it's an evaporation line, but this is just plain cruel. Cruel beyond belief. I showed the test to R an hour later or so and he agreed that there's a faint second line, but he doesn't know what the heck an evap line would look like. So now I'm in the waiting game again until Wednesday. I promised myself I wouldn't test again until Wednesday, when my beta was scheduled, so I'm sticking to that promise.

Goddamned evap lines.


Jeannie said...

Well, that just bites. Ugh!

What test did you use? Based on my experience of being a POAS addict, I might have some insight depending on the test. I've seen my fair share of evap lines, unfortunately.

I know your intuition is saying no, but can I be the optimistic one for you? I have a sneaky suspicion it's going to be positive. :)

hms said...

Please, please, please be the optimistic one. I need one of those around! And I know I already e-mailed it to you, but it was a First Response stick-test. Wtih the double pink lines. Or in this case the not-so-double pink lines...

Jeannie said...

Hey! I just emailed you back. I'm still very optimistic for you, especially since it WAS a FRE!!

Unknown said...

OMG I hate those "is it or isn't it" tests! What brand did you use? I always had good luck with FRE.

Well, either way I guess we will know tomorrow. I am hoping and praying for good news!!!

Unknown said...

Holy cow, I just read the comments and realized that you DID use the FRE. I have *never* had an evap line come up with those. With FRE, a line is a line. Oh I am sooooo hoping you get some beyond great results on Wednesday!! Are you sure you don't want to test again today?? :-O

Jeannie said...

Thinking VERY positive thoughts for you tomorrow, H! I hope you hear wonderful news tomorrow!! Thinking of you and praying hard for you and your babies-to-be!! :)

And I agree with April on the FRE -- I don't think that was an evap line you saw.

hms said...

Ok, you guys are freaking me out now!!! Oh, just to imagine for a minute that it wasn't an evap line. Oh the JOY I would feel! I keep thinking back and I am certain that I read the test within the time frame alloted and saw that very faint line. Then, I put the test away to show R and it was darker an hour later, but still very faint. As I mentioned, his first words were 'Why is one thicker?' so even he saw two lines, albeit a faint one.

Jeannie said...

One thing I want to mention -- my FREs always keep their positive lines. So I can look now at Maddie and Alex tests and STILL see the positive (even the faint ones!). I'm just saying . . .!