Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Beta Day.

Well, I went for the beta this morning and am now waiting on pins and needles for them to call. The office usually calls between 1:00pm and 4:00pm so I'm just waiting patiently. Or not so patiently.

Still no period and not even a hint of spotting. My friend JT agrees with the general consensus that 'a line is a line', especially since it was an FRE test. She had the same thing happen with her son; she even took a HPT at the doctor's office that was negative. But yet, her son was born October 2006. But then again, she didn't do IVF and didn't have a million and one synthetic hormones racing through her system to throw things off.

My palms are sweating. I have butterflies in my stomach and I'm trying my hardest to remain calm. Oh God, oh God, oh God...


Jeannie said...

OK, come on now! Praying hard that your beta numbers are awesome!! I hope and pray that you get GREAT news and SOON!

Jeannie said...

Just checking in! I'm sure the wait is killer! Ugh! I hope they call you soon!