Wednesday, January 23, 2008

There's that intuition again...

The numbers are in: PREGNANT*!!!

And, of course, there's an asterisk to the results. The beta was a little lower than they would like to see it: the hCG levels were only 35. They normally should be around 50 right now, so I have to go back on Friday to see if the numbers are doubling like they should. But for now, I'm officially pregnant. Holy cow. Holy, holy cow. It might have worked!!!

I asked the nurse what the low numbers could mean and she said that it could be a variety of things: slow implantation; slow rising levels; the embryos could have implanted and then failed, which would mean a miscarriage; or it just could be a fluke and there will be no explanation at all. As long as they double on Friday, we should be in the clear. She also asked me if I was still taking my estrogen and progesterone and I lied and said yes. I knew there was a reason I was feeling so guilty that I stopped them. I'm a little nervous about having stopped them, but as soon as I got home I started the meds again and believe me, I'll stay on them religiously now. I know that it takes a few days for all the meds to leave your body, so I'm not too freaked out. Plus, the meds are really so that my lining will stay plump and stay put, and since I'm not spotting or bleeding I'm thinking that I'll be alright. When the nurse and I were discussing the low numbers she asked me if I was spotting or bleeding and when I told her no she said that was a pretty good sign.

So, right now every day is baby steps. Literally. Your prayers worked for this cycle; please pray for a doubling beta for Friday!

Holy cow. I'm actually pregnant. Holy cow.


Jeannie said...

H is pregnant! H is pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, H, I was just up rocking Alex to sleep and praying: Come on, God, let's see the word PREGNANT on H's site! Woohoo!!!!!

OMG! Sooooooo happy for you!!!

And yep, lots of prayers coming for a great number on Friday. (And I really hope they call you back sooner on Friday!! Today must have been torture!)

I'm curious to know where in the "normal" range your numbers are . . . Seems like 35 is very close to 50!


hms said...

Thank you, thank you! One of the websites I found states: "At 14 DPO, avg HCG level is 48 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 17-119 mIU/ml." (Taken from ) So my levels are low, but they're still within the normal range. I've read a ton of stories about betas that start low and have no problems doubling or turning into viable pregnancies; I've also read enough about miscarriages with low betas too. For now, I'm staying cautiously optimistic, for once.

Unknown said...

OMG OMG OMG... you are PREGNANT!!! Where are those darn smilies when you need them?!? I am so freakin' excited for you!!! This is wonderful news. I will definitely be praying for good doubling numbers on Friday. Have you checked Actual women post their betas on there. For 14 dpo, the range is 3-2088. Pretty big variation, huh? I have heard many many success stories where betas started lower than average. I wouldn't worry about it at this point.

I am soooooo happy for you!!!

Jeannie said...

I saw that same Web site, H. Yes, I think it certainly looks like your numbers are well within the normal range. And YES, you have every reason to be optimistic! Grow, babies, grow!!!

I am so incredibly happy for you!!!!!! This is just awesome!

hms said...

I tried to log onto last night and again this morning and I can’t get the page to load. Strange. I spoke to a friend last night who has undergone IVF before and she said that her beta numbers were pretty low the first time and she ended up with triplets! So, I’m still hanging onto the fact that numbers can be deceiving!