Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What we'll deal with...

Classes have started and I'm SO looking forward to this semester. If you can't smell the sarcasm in that last statement you need to clear that little nose of yours. Seriously, have I mentioned yet how much I'm looking forward to no more school? ARGH!!! I just want my life back!!! (I'm pouting and stamping my feet as I type this...)

My father once told me that people are amazingly resilient creatures. He said that it is incredible what we'll deal with and he was right. The older I get, the more I realize what every person on this planet deals with. We all deal with problems and the way that we deal with them is what makes each of us individuals. I don't think that I'm even close to learning how to deal with life any better. I look at some people with the patience of a saint and wonder "how can I be more like that?" and then I see some people fly off the handle at the smallest thing and I think "would I act like that?".

I heard back from Rice University this week saying that they received my application. I did some more research on the school the other day and now I'm a little intimidated by having applied to "The Ivy League of the South". Man... what will I do if they actually call me for an interview? Then I realize that I'm just a lowly little not-even-recent Grad and the realization that they'll probably never call sets in. Oh gosh, I hate job searches.

The E-boy has been super happy and bubbly lately. He's so much fun when he's like this. THe thoughts that go through his little head make me crazy, happy, at peace with the world and more. This morning he was staring at the recycling bins in the kitchen, which were sitting side-by-side and he says "Momma, those look like steps!" Talk about perfecting the abstract thought patterns. I know every parent thinks that their kid is smart, but man, he's just SMART.

The Baby-Making mission is coming along... still Low on the monitor, but something should be happening this weekend. It still bugs me to no end that I need some old man to inject sperm into my body in order to hopefully get pregnant, but so be it. I flucuate between hopeful and miserably sad about the whole process. I'm trying not to think about it; I wonder if my ovaries can sense me not thinking about it.

Quote for the day:

Who could have seen
you'd be so hard to please?
-- Tom Petty

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